Why Vape Menthol E-liquid?
Many Vapers around the world still crave for that taste of Menthol, and you don’t have to go to far to experience a Menthol or Minty Cool Vape. Luckily there are many online Vendors around the world have a wide range of tasty Menthol based E-liquids.
At Tobacco-Vape.co.uk we have many Mint & Menthol flavours that are perfect for any Vaper whether you are just starting out or you are an advanced Vaper looking for something a little different.
How to use your Menthol E-liquid
Step 1 – Shake your bottle very well
Step 2 – Open the cap to let out the old air and to replace with new air.
Step 3 – Add your Nicotine shots, pop the cap on and shake very well.
Step 4 – Take a tank full to vape, try it and see how it tastes and vape.
Step 5 – Steep your Menthol Juice, although many Menthol and Cool liquids are ready to Vape. The longer you leave the juice with the cap on, in a dark cupboard the better the juice will taste. This is called steeping and flavours do get much better with age.
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